27 February 2011

February, full of fun!

15 Feb 2011 till 22 Feb 2011.
Singapore & Malaysia.

Setelah bersusah-susah ujian akhir semester, sekarang saatnya liburan!! Omg, i was so so so so happy! Akhirnya, liburan yang udah ditunggu-tunggu dari tahun lalu kesampean juga.

Me and Nadine, Sarah, Fira, Andra, Mikel (Michael, but we called him 'Mikel) went holiday to Singapore & Malaysia! Yippie! In Singapore, we stayed at my cousin's (Mba Nana) apartement. At last, I met my cousin, Mba Nana and (her husband) Mas Dillah, for such a long time! So happy! Their apartemen is such a cozy apartement! All item from Ikea, and most of the color are black and white. Ohh, i just love them.

And these are the photos of us at Singapore :D

1st day, we went to Bugis Street and Orchard Road. Shopping day! :D
2nd day, Universal Studio timeeee!!!
3rd day, Muter-muter day, oleh-oleh day, and so on. We ate at Fika (Swedish Cafe & Bistro) on Arab Street, and the food is very very very delicious! You must try it if you go to Singapore. Hee hee.

Next! Photos of Universal Studio & Malaysia :D

14 February 2011

Sunday is a fun day! ☀

Baru saja berakhir
Hujan di sore ini
Menyisakan keajaiban
Kilauan indahnya pelangi

Tak pernah terlewatkan
Dan tetap mengaguminya
Kesempatan seperti ini
Tak akan bisa di beli

Bersamamu ku habiskan waktu
Senang bisa mengenal dirimu
Rasanya semua begitu sempurna
Sayang untuk mengakhirinya

Melawan keterbatasan
Walau sedikit kemungkinan
Tak akan menyerah untuk hadapi
Hingga sedih tak mau datang lagi

Janganlah berganti
Janganlah berganti
Janganlah berganti
Tetaplah seperti ini

Janganlah berganti
Janganlah berganti
Tetaplah seperti ini

Sahabat Kecil by Ipang

Sunday, February 13rd 2011

they're not just my friends, they're my family too ;)

*if you want to know about us more details, just click on Sarah Ayunda's post: HERE hee hee ;p